Tuesday, April 2, 2019

IDIOM SET: Emotions and Feelings

Task 1:

Task 2:

When I was a child I was drawing with some marker and my brother wanted to know what I was drawing. I went to the bathroom and he took the opportunity to catch the marker and he try to bite it. Well his mouth turned blue!! When I saw him, I tried to make it up cleaning his face and brushing his teeth but it doesn't work at all!

So I had to told to my mom the truth. She was a little bit angry. I was very sorry about what happened but she understood that it was just and accident. At that moment I thought than may be she should hold a grudge because my brother was almost a baby. Of course, it didn't happened, she just clean him and told me that probably I had to be more careful.

No matter what you do, for any problem o situation just tell the truth an then find a solution or somebody to ask help.

1 comment:

  1. Little brothers!! they can get into trouble when you are supposed to watch them! I know, I had 2 !
    I like your story Maria - and it is well-written. Good paragraph structure.
    - for any problem (not at any problem)
    - tell the truth (not talk the truth)
